Taylor Davies-Colley

Kia ora koutou, ko Taylor tōku ingoa.
I’m a botanist and science communicator from Ōtepoti/Dunedin. I have spent my whole life wandering the forests of Aotearoa, always with a huge appreciation for the incredible plants and animals that call this place home.
Though I love all the wildlife of Aotearoa, our special plants are what I’m most passionate about. While our flora is comparably small compared to other countries it makes up for it in many other characteristics. Our special species make up some of the prettiest, largest, oldest, and strangest of any on earth—and they are something to be truly celebrated.
I grew up amongst the kauri forests of Northland, but then came south to study a Masters in Botany at the University of Otago. I now get to work raising awareness for our native plants, working with school groups and the wider community to raise the profile of and inspire protection for our amazing native plants.
I am excited to work alongside Trees That Count to spread the love for the amazing trees of Aotearoa.