Robyn Haugh

Robyn is the Chief Executive at Trees That Count, overseeing the Trust’s vision, management and operation. She came to Trees That Count with extensive experience in management and product development at Wipster, Loyalty NZ and Kiwibank. In her spare time she’s a keen trail runner and mountain biker who loves to be out and about in Aotearoa’s native bush, and fondly recalls identifying backyard native plants with her father as a child.
Following a year leading the development of several exciting new major initiatives for the Trust as our Head of Product, as well as overseeing our product and technology roadmaps and day-to-day development initiatives, Robyn was appointed as Chief Executive in November 2021. Robyn aims to use both her vision for native tree planting in Aotearoa and coaching management style to direct Trees That Count to even greater growth and development.