Prof. David Norton (PhD)

Emeritus Professor David Norton retired from the University of Canterbury at the start of 2022 and has over 40 years’ experience in New Zealand ecology and conservation across public and private land. Over his career, his research has spanned several fields of ecology and conservation biology including the ecology of New Zealand’s native forests, conservation and management of threatened plants, mistletoe biology, ecology of remnant habitats, restoration ecology, threat classification and significance assessment. Most recently he has researched the distribution and management of native biodiversity within primary production systems, especially sheep and beef farms. Together with postgraduate students and colleagues, he has authored over 150 scientific publications, including co-authoring a book on biodiversity conservation in farming landscapes with an Australian colleague.
Over the last two decades, David has developed a strong relationship with the farming sector, working actively with farmers, the farming community and sector groups to promote biodiversity conservation and find ways to build this into farm management planning. For example, he wrote the biodiversity module for the Beef+Lamb NZ farm plan, has given numerous talks to catchment group about biodiversity, and works with individual farmers helping them write integrated farm management plans that include environmental issues alongside more traditional farming concerns. Since retiring from the University of Canterbury, David has continued to work actively with the farming sector through his business Biodiversity Solutions Ltd. to help farmers incorporate native biodiversity into farm management in a way that results in win-win outcomes for farming and native biodiversity.