Dr. Colin Meurk (ONZM)

Dr Colin Meurk has adjunct positions at Canterbury and Lincoln Universities and is a Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research Associate. His interests include biogeography, ecological restoration and design, landscape dynamics, urban ecology, subantarctic islands, conservation biology, citizen science, people-nature connectivity, and ‘futures’ solutions. His contribution to landscape ecological modelling and optimised habitat patch networks has informed cultural landscape planning and design. He promotes and participates in community restoration projects, integrating biodiversity through cities and countryside (Greening Waipara, Orakei Marae, Te Ara Kākāriki, Ōtākaro-Avon and Ōpāwaho-Heathcote networks).
Colin is on numerous councils, trusts (Otamahua-Quail Island; Travis Wetland; CWEA), advisory and steering groups (ECan Biosecurity) advocating for eco-sanctuaries, resilient/biophilic cities, urban great walks, joined-up ecological thinking and eco-literacy. He has received a Christchurch Civic Award, Loder Cup, Ecology in Action Award (NZ Ecological Society), a Golden Foot Award for the Christchurch 360 Trail, supreme award for Horticultural Excellence at the 2012 Ellerslie International Flower Show for designing “Transitions”, and most recently an ONZM. He currently teaches, supervises post-graduate students, and runs a forum on “creative transitions to sustainable futures”.